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  • 1. 阅读理解

        Located a few blocks away from the White House, Sakina Halal grill in Washington DC is a restaurant with a difference. Enter during the busy lunch time and you will find businessmen and women eating side by side with the homeless. The owner Kazi Mannan, who is from Pakistan, would not run it in any other way.

        Growing up in a village with no electricity, running water or even a building for a school, Kazi is familiar with poverty (贫穷) and hunger. Even in those hard days, whenever his mother Sakina cooked for her own children, she would provide some for her neighbours as well.

        When Kazi reached America, he only had three dollars in his hand. With the help of a Pakistani bus driver, he finally earned a down payment (首付款) on a restaurant.

        The first thing he did was change the name of the restaurant. He named it after his mother Sakina Halal Grill, whom he lost 26 years ago. But he did not stop there, Keeping his mother's teachings in mind, he not only used her old recipes (菜谱) but also decided to let the homeless eat at his restaurant for free. On the opening day of the restaurant, Kazi personally walked to the nearby park and invited the homeless there to have food at his restaurant.

        Many friends said, "Don't let homeless people come inside your restaurant. They will ruin your business. "But I don't care. If I fail, I fail!" said Kazi Mannan.

        In less than 5 years, Sakina Halal Grili has risen to such popularity that Kazi is able to feed over 16, 000 people for free every year. He also prepares extra food on Sundays for nearly 50 homeless people at the Georgetown Ministry Center. His deeds (事迹) encourage locals to volunteer there as well.

    (1) Why did Kazi change the name of the restaurant?
    A . To complete his mothers wishes. B . To attract more customers. C . To memorise his mother. D . To thank the Pakistani bus drive.
    (2) Which of the following can best describe Kazi?
    A . Kind and encouraging. B . Brave and reliable. C . Selfish and mean. D . Honest and stubborn.
    (3) What does the story want to tell us?
    A . Money talks. B . Kindness brings good business. C . Technology is power. D . A good friend is good for business.
  • 2. 阅读理解

        It's not possible to stay together with loved ones all the time. Sometimes family members have to be far away from each other. During that time they might face something terrible. Although we know what they are suffering, being far away makes it harder to help and comfort (安慰) loved ones. There is no use worrying a lot about them. Keeping a positive attitude of support is more helpful than getting into worrying about the person. I think it is what I can do to help my loved ones.

        My daughter has been working full-time during summer about 10 hours a day. She has to study hard for a big entrance exam. At first, like most people, I wanted to try to solve the problems and analyse (分析) the situation, Was there a better way of time management? Was there a better way of studying for this test? However, that was not always helpful. Sometimes, it even gave more pressure to her. Sometimes it might sound like there was something wrong to fix. However, it was just tiring at the end of the day. What would be the kind thing to do in this situation. It was hard to read someone's mind. I decided to just chat with her online and to send a hug emoji (表情) this time. It seemed more suitable than talking about solutions. Giving space can also be an act of help, comfort and kindness.

        It was a fun and meaningful experiment to actively think about kind things to do rather than let it happen naturally. I've realized it and I'm grateful for this chance to share online. Give it a try too and you'll enjoy sweetness.

    (1) What can we learn from the first paragraph?
    A . Worry is the best comfort to a loved one. B . It is impossible to love someone around us. C . The distance helps you do more to loved ones. D . It's no use worrying a lot about loved ones not around us
    (2) How did the author comfort her daughter at last?
    A . By talking about solutions. B . By analysing all problems. C . By buying a gift for her. D . By giving simple emojis online.
    (3) Where is the passage probably taken from?
    A . A website. B . A newspaper. C . A life journal. D . A speech report.
  • 3. 阅读理解

        Millions of people suffer from motion sickness (晕动症). They have a lot of activities they fear. They often avoid doing these activities which include long-distance airplane travel, sea-trips, road-trips, even certain movies and video games. However, the French company Boarding Ring promises that it has its way to solve the problem, as long as the users are willing to wear Boarding Glasses!

        Why do many people suffer from motion sickness? It is believed that the brain fails to deal with mixed signals from body parts. For example, when you are looking at your phone on a moving bus, your inner ear realizes the move but your eyes, focused on the screen, think you don't move.

        Boarding Glasses tries to ease (减轻)motion sickness by making the user's eyes and ears transmit the same message. After the brain receives the same message, it will think you are in a moving environment Though that sounds difficult, the science behind the glasses is surprisingly simple.

        The plastic frames (框架), made up of two round frames on the front and two on the side, are filled with some blue liquid. Any movement can cause the liquid to flow around the eyes. This allows the eyes to sense the move and send the correct signal to the brain.

        According to Antoine Jeannin, CEO of Boarding Ring, Boarding Glasses has been tested. The CEO said that over 95 percent of the users felt better after wearing the glasses. The best part is that Boarding Glasses only has a frame, so a single pair can be worn among a group of friends, or even an entire family!

    (1) Why do some people suffer from motion sickness according to the passage?
    A . Their eyes can't see the move. B . Their bodies are in a bad condition. C . Their ears can't hear in a moving environment. D . Their brains can't deal with mixed signals from body parts.
    (2) What is the third paragraph mainly about?
    A . The shortcomings of Boarding Glasses. B . The design for Boarding Glasses' future. C . The working principle of Boarding Glasses. D . The response of people wearing Boarding Glasses.
    (3) Which word can best replace the underlined word "transmit" in paragraph 3?
    A . calm B . send C . destroy D . attack
    (4) What might be the best title for the passage?
    A . Boarding Glasses Promises to Ease Motion Sickness B . Why Do People Dislike Motion Sickness C . Why Do People Suffer from Motion Sickness D . Boarding Glasses Can Make You See the World Clearly


  • 4. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

        The time-out (暂停)is a method to punish your children's misbehavior (不当行为).Children are taken away from their present situation for a few minutes. During the time-out they are put in a place and not allowed to do anything. It's a great way to help your children calm down and realize their shortcomings. .

        Decide what is worth a time-out

        Find a quiet moment to discuss a time-out principle for your family, determining where you'll give time-outs, for what reasons, and for how long. . And you can make your first time-out feel prepared and calm.

        Give a warning

        Instead of suddenly giving a time-out to your children, warn them that they'll get one if they continue to be naughty. . At this age children are often angry without realizing it.

        Giving them a time-out can make them calm. Some kids dislike time-outs very much, so that finally the warning itself does the job. However, warnings are not enough. When your children hit, kick, or bite someone, use a time-out right away.


        It's a good idea to choose a time-out place, such as a chair or the end of a hallway. But remember that the place you choose needs to be safe and shouldn't be frightening.

        Decide how long time-outs will last

        . Your children should have enough time to stop misbehaving and calm down. If it is too short or too long, your children may forget the punishment or become upset. Many experts advise one minute per year of your children's age. You can watch the clock yourself or set an alarm clock and tell them that the punishment is over when it rings.

    A. Select a place

    B. Use time-out regularly

    C. A time-out needs enough time

    D. You needn't make decisions in a hurry

    E. Here are a few ways to make it work for you

    F. Give your children hugs and kisses after the time-out

    G. This gives them a chance to control their own behavior first


  • 5. 阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        Owura Kwadwo Hottish teaches computers in the school he works in. I think it is a1school except for the fact that the school didn't have2.

        Owura became famous after he posted photos of him on the Internet. In the picture, people could see he was teaching his students by3an entire computer on the blackboard. The photos showed the4level of education for children in Ghana. People were5that Owura made sure each button (按钮) was drawn correctly.

        Owura wanted the students to6what life with a computer could be like someday. He would come to school half an hour ahead of the7every day. He drew the computer on the blackboard, but at the end of his class, it was8off to start the next class, so he had to9it the next day!

        Omura's efforts were10when Microsoft (微软公司) took11of his act. They first took him to an international educators' meeting in Singapore. He made a12about his teaching methods at the meeting. He13a standing ovation (致敬) after the speech.

        14, Owura got the thing he always wanted for his students—some companies15computers to the school. Not a single child in the16had seen a real computer in their lives. Thanks to their teacher's17the world took notice and responded with18to them.

        "Your work has really19the world. At Microsoft, we believe that educators are heroes. They20influence the lifelong skills of their students." said Anthony Salcito, Vice president at Microsoft.

    A . final B . dusty C . normal D . personal
    A . computers B . playgrounds C . classrooms D . managers
    A . operating B . repairing C . describing D . drawing
    A . clear B . poor C . ancient D . lucky
    A . worried B . disappointed C . afraid D . amazed
    A . start B . imagine C . rebuild D . harm
    A . line B . culture C . schedule D . deadline
    A . rubbed B . called C . cut D . shown
    A . stressed B . improved C . ruined D . repeated
    A . selected B . rewarded C . simplified D . affected
    A . care B . charge C . place D . notice
    A . plan B . speech C . decision D . medal
    A . decreased B . replaced C . received D . contained
    A . Suddenly B . Hopelessly C . Importantly D . Strangely
    A . lent B . sold C . gave D . applied
    A . school B . nation C . dynasty D . company
    A . doubt B . pains C . humor D . efforts
    A . wisdom B . kindness C . honesty D . pride
    A . inspired B . stuck C . formed D . comforted
    A . directly B . briefly C . quickly D . rarely


  • 6. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

        There (be) no lights in sight but the night sky glowed (发出) a dusky yellow, because the Amazon was burning. The yellow flames engulfed (吞噬) trees lit up the sky. During the day, the sunshine was blocked thick smoke. So far, the fire (put) out.

        The government has recorded 72, 843 fires. The fire is just one of (they) in the Amazon, the world's (large) rainforest and a fighter against climate change. According to Brazil's space research agency INPE, the wildfire has decreased by 17 percent so far this year compared to the same period in 2018.

        Environmental (group)said the policies of the government encouraged deforestation (采伐森林) of the Amazon, led to more fires. But the government posted a report and wanted (argue) against that. The government claimed that non-governmental organizations (angry) set fire to the forest after it cut their funding.


  • 7. 假定你是李华,是中加合办学校的学生。你发现学校操场上的运动器材(sports equipment)被损坏。请你给校长 Mr Jackson写一封 E-mail,内容包括:







    Dear Mr Jackson,


    Yours sincerely,

    Li Hua

  • 8. 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

        I first played ping-pong in our basement (地下室) at home. My brother and I asked for an old wooden table from my grandfather. It was painted green. Although it was very simple, it served its purpose every day. My father never really played any other sports with me, but ping-pong was one that he played quite well and it took me plenty of time before I could beat him. My elder brother was also a very good competitor.

        When I got to university, I was happy to discover a ping-pong table in the common room. I spent a great deal of time there, often until the midnight. There were about three or four friends that I often played against. We were all at the same skill level. One of them had ever played in a tournament (锦标赛). A friend from Germany said his father had ever won the German national tournament. We took part in a tournament. My ranking (名次) is the third place, but I had beaten the first and second place winners when we had played for fun. I sometimes played with other friends who didn't play ping-pong well, so I would use my left hand to give them an advantage. But before long I became so skilled with my left hand that they no longer had the advantage.

        Later, I played in a ping-pong competition which was held by my university. I lost at first. But because it was double climination (双淘汰制), I went to the loser group. I beat all the players and then played against the student who had beaten me in the first round. Surprisingly, I beat him 3 times and won the competition.





    Paragraph 1:

        Later, there was a tournament held in the city where I studied.

    Paragraph 2:

        After the tournament I didn't often play the sport because of the busy study.
