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三、听录音,选出正确图片。(5 分)



  • 13. 听短文,判断正误
    (1) Peter's family are going to visit Ken's family by bus this Thursday.
    (2) Peter is playing games with his brother.
    (3) Peter's father is a sports reporter. His uncle is a football player.
    (4) Peter's sister is sad, but Peter's mother is happy.
    (5) Peter's cousin is running on the bus. And Peter's aunt is angry.


  • 14. 听短文,填写信息,每空一词。

    Name: Jason

    Age: 12


    He is from Australia. He in Canberra.


    He likes going and .

    He likes Chinese. He Chinese every.

    He is good at cooking. Sometimes he Chinese food.


    His parents are . His sister is a . He wants to be a .



  • 20. 根据句意,选择正确的图片,填写编号

    A.  B.  C.  D.  E.

    (1) In the USA, people on bikes must wear a .
    (2) You must pay attention to the .
    (3) Don't turn right. You can see on the road.
    (4) Don't touch the door. You can see in the subway.
    (5) You must look right before you cross the road. You can see on the road in Hong Kong.


  • 21. 根据问句,选择正确的答句,填写编号。

    ⑴I feel ill. What should I do?                   A. Turn left at the school. Then go straight.

    ⑵What are you going to do tomorrow?   B. Because the mice are bad. They hurt people

    ⑶How can I get there?                              C. I'm going to the supermarket.

    ⑷Where are you going this afternoon?    D. You should see a doctor.

    ⑸Why is the cat angry with the mice?       E. I'm going to draw some pictures in the park.



  • 29. 根据例句,补充填写表格的内容。

    eg. Lee is a doctor, and he works in a hospital.

    gym university sea post office plane

    Helen is a , and she works at a .

    Eric is a , and he works on a rescue .

    Bob is a , and he works in a .

    Lisa is a , and she works at .

    Tim is a , and he works in a .


  • 30. 读地图,排列下列句子顺序,形成意思连贯的对话内容。

       A      F  

    A. Is it far?

    B. Which bus can I take?

    C. You can take No.36 bus. Get off at the post office. You can see the cinema in the north.

    D. You can go by bus. The bus stop is over there.

    E. Excuse me, sir. How can I get to Wanda Cinema?

    F. Thank you very much.

    G. No. Go straight for five minutes. You can see the bus stop on your right.


  • 31. 阅读公告栏的信息内容,选择正确的答案。



    Today all the sunglasses and gloves are five yuan. We have colourful scarves for you, too. Come and choose at Cindy's shop.

    Opening time: 7:00-16:00 on the weekend

    Call Cindy: 18943910042

    History Museum

        Do you want to learn about history? Welcome to the History Museum. Meet Mr Brown. He tells interesting history stories.

    Opening time: 9:30- 16:00 Mon. to Sat.

    brown@ historymuseum.***.cn

    Let's Cook!

        Do you like cooking? There is a. cooking class on Sunday afternoons. I can cook different food- Chinese dumplings, pizzas, Italian noodles and so on. I need a partner. Would you like to come? Wait for you at 6:00 pm every Monday in the Magic Kitchen.

    betty@ cooking.***

    Real Cartoon Show

        What do you do on Saturdays? Come to the Real Cartoon Show outside the gym. You can watch the cartoons and act the characters.

    Opening time: 9:00- 15:30

    Ticket price: 40 yuan/ adult; half price/ child

    ***. cartoonshow.***.cn

    (1) When can you come to the History Museum?
    A . At 9:00 on Monday. B . At 14:00 on Friday. C . At 10:30 on Sunday.
    (2) How much is the price for an adult and two children to go to the Real Cartoon Show?
    A . 40 yuan. B . 60 yuan. C . 80 yuan.
    (3) Sam likes cartoons. His favourite cartoon character is Conan. Where can he act?
    A . Real Cartoon Show. B . Magic Kitchen. C . Inside the gym.
    (4) Who can be Betty's partner?
    A . B . C .
    (5) What is NOT true(正确的) about the notices?
    A . Henry wants to watch the great cartoons on Saturdays. B . There are sunglasses, gloves and scarves in Cindy's shop. They are all five yuan. C . Leo will cook different food every Monday evening.


  • 32. 春节快要到了,你们有何打算呢?根据提示,仿写至少五个句子,注意句子大小写与标点。



    Spring Festival is coming. My family are going to get together.

    I'm going to …….

    My sister is…….

    My parents…….
