北京版小学英语六年级上册 Unit 3 单元测试卷(含听力音频)

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  • 11. 听短文填空。

        We took a trip to Hainan Island last . We got there by . It is so beautiful there. The sea is clean and . We  in the water and  coconut milk. I was happy and like a fish. I hope I can come there again.


  • 12. 按要求写单词或短语。
    (1) fly(过去式)
    (2) invention(动词)
    (3) by air(同义词)
    (4) by car(同义词)
    (5) fast(反义词)
    (6) green tea(红茶)
    (7) horse(复数)
    (8) difficult(反义词)
    (9) ride(现在分词)
    (10) our(人称代词主格)





  • 28. 补全对话。

    A. Yes, we did.

    B. Could you show me them?

    C. How was your trip to Hong Kong?

    D. Did you do some shopping?

    E. We got there by plane.


    Xinxin: It was fantastic.

    Mingming: How did you get there?


    Mingming: Did you go to the Disneyland and Ocean Park?

    Xinxin:  We saw Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. We also took some photos.

    Mingming: Sounds great.

    Xinxin: Yes, my mum bought some clothes and food.

    Mingming: I want to see your photos.

    Xinxin: Of course. I will bring them to school tomorrow.


  • 29. 阅读下面的短文,判断句子的正误。

        One day, Mr White came home very late. He looked for the key to the door, but can't find it. He lost his key. He rang the bell, but nothing happened. He did it again. Nobody moved inside the room. Mr White knocked at the bedroom window, he spoke to his wife, he shouted, but she didn't wake up. At last he stopped and thought for a moment. Then he began to speak like a small child. He said, “Mother, I want to go to the toilet.” He spoke quite quietly, but at once Mrs White woke up. Then he spoke to her, and she opened the door for him.

    (1) One day, Mr White can't find the key to the door.
    (2) Mr White rang the bell and knocked at the bedroom window.
    (3) At last he stopped and left.
    (4) Mr White wanted to go to the toilet.
    (5) His wife didn't open the door for him.

