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  • 6. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) What kind of music is the woman learning?
    A . Rock music. B . Jazz. C . Classical music.
    (2) For whom is the woman holding the party?
    A . Her teacher. B . Her uncle. C . Her husband.
  • 7. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) What's wrong with the woman?
    A . She made a wrong turn. B . She ran out of gas. C . She missed a call.
    (2) Where does the man live?
    A . On the 1st floor. B . On the 2nd floor. C . On the 6th floor.
  • 8. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) What's the probable relationship between the speakers?
    A . Couple. B . Colleagues. C . Doctor and patient.
    (2) How often does the woman take medicine?
    A . Every day. B . Every two days. C . Every three days.
    (3) How will the woman solve the problem?
    A . By reporting it to the police. B . By calling her neighbors first. C . By leaving her neighbors a message.
  • 9. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
    (1) Where did the man spend the most time last summer?
    A . In France. B . In Austria. C . In Germany.
    (2) When did the vacation start?
    A . On July 3. B . On July 10. C . On July 17.
    (3) What does the man say about the Marceaus?
    A . They all work in a hospital. B . They were all kind to him. C . They seldom cook meals.
    (4) How many cities did the man visit in his spare time in July?
    A . 4. B . 3. C . 2.
  • 10. 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。
    (1) How did the speaker feel when his father set him a task?
    A . Anxious. B . Surprised. C . Excited.
    (2) What happened to the speaker the other day?
    A . He had to cut grass in the same place. B . He was found telling lies again. C . He lost two dollars.
    (3) What did the speaker use to be?
    A . A writer. B . A lawyer. C . A cleaner.
    (4) What does the speaker want to tell us?
    A . To try to be responsible from the start. B . To do a job well the first time. C . To value cooperation.


  • 11. 阅读理解

    Going out guide

        R&B: Melanie Fiona

        Known for such songs as "It Kills Me" and "This Time," R&B singer Melanie Fiona made her first musical album(唱片) in 2009 with "The Bridge" and followed it up with "The MF Life" in 2012. A new album, "Next Train," is planned to drop this year.

        8 pm, Feb. 13. Howard Theatre. 202-803-2899. $ 30—$ 59. 99.

        Ballet: John Cranko's "Romeo & Juliet"

        Celebrated South African choreographer (编舞者) John Cranko created the dance inspired by Shakespeare's lovers with a score by Sergei Prokofiev. The production was first performed in the United States in 1969 and returns to the Kennedy Center under the artistic direction of Julie Kent.

        Feb. 14 — 18. Kennedy Genter. 202-467-4600. $ 25— $ 160.

    Exhibit(展览): "Brand New: Art and Commodity (商品) in the 1980s"

        This exhibit shows the commodification of art in the 1980s, when trade, art and entertainment became unclear. The exhibit shows works by 68 artists, including Jeff Koons, Barbara Kruger and Julia Wachtel.

        Feb. 14 through May 13. Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden. 202-633-1000. Free

        R&B: Valentine's Love Jam

        R&E artists are known for some of our most beloved(喜爱的) love songs, and the performers lined up for this show are no exception. Singer-songwriters Tyrese ("Sweet Lady") and Joe ("I Wanna Know") join forces with SWV ("Weak") ,Dru Hill ("Beauty") and Next ("Wifey") for this show.

        8 p. m., Feb. 17. EagleBank Arena. 703-493-4000. $ 59—$ 99.

    (1) Which number should you call if you are interested in dance?
    A . 703-493-4000. B . 02-633-1000. C . 202-467-4600. D . 202-803-2899.
    (2) Where can people enjoy a free show?
    A . Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden. B . Kennedy Center. C . EagleBank Arena. D . Howard Theatre.
    (3) When can you attend a love song concert?
    A . Feb. 18. B . Feb. 17. C . Feb. 14. D . Feb. 13.
  • 12. 阅读理解

        For the past few months, my three-year-old daughter has spent an hour every week learning a foreign language. She walks into a small room in a local school, where she and a handful of three and four-year-old spend the next hour dancing to La Vaca Lola”, a song about a Spanish cow, creating finger puppets(木偶) to voice what they like and don't like (me gusta, no me gusta) and shouting out which animals are big (grande) or small (pequeno).

        She tells us little about the classes. In fact, for the first few weeks, nothing at all. I begin to wonder if it was a huge mistake (each lesson works out at about £9) but then I show her “La Vaca Lola” on YouTube. She shouts vaca with enthusiasm and with what I hope is a Spanish accent.

        The wish to enroll(使……加入) her in language lessons came, like most things, gradually and then in a sudden rush. In my day job, I read and edit stories about the Chinese economy. For a long time, I felt that it would be good for her to learn another language but I had no great plan as to when.

        Then I read Edward Luce's The Retreat of Western Liberalism and all my thoughts and worry about the economy combined into a panic. Waking in a sweat, it seemed obvious that if my daughter was to have any kind of future, she would have to learn another language. Ideally (理想地) immediately.

        I thought about Mandarin Chinese, one of the top 10 languages most important for our future, according to the British Council (others include Arabic, French, German, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Dutch and Japanese). But there were no classes for young children nearby. There were, however, local Spanish classes—the number-one language on the list. When she started to sing "Incy Wincy Spider" in Spanish and English—helped by a Spanish nursery worker-our decision was made.

    (1) What can we learn about the author's daughter from the first paragraph?
    A . She uses finger puppets to make her voice heard. B . She is the oldest student in her Spanish class. C . She learns Spanish by dancing to songs. D . She has learnt Spanish for one month.
    (2) How did the author feel about her daughter's class at first?
    A . Proud. B . Surprised. C . Delighted D . Doubtful.
    (3) Why did the author ask her daughter to learn a foreign language?
    A . To prepare her for the coming school education. B . To equip her for her future. C . To encourage her to have belief in herself. D . To develop her interest in singing.
    (4) What made the author decide to enroll her daughter in Spanish lessons?
    A . Her performance. B . Her great interest. C . The nursery worker's suggestion. D . The fast-growing economy.
  • 13. 阅读理解

        "You know, the soft subjects," says the boy in maths. "The easy ones: the stupid girls at the bottom take them. Like dance. It shouldn't even be a subject." We're choosing subjects for our A-level taster day at school. I see the raised eyebrows (眉毛) when I explain two of my GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) choices are dance and drama(戏剧).

        I was told by advisers that dance and drama wouldn't help me to get a suitable career. My friends told me I'd get bored of dance and switch to science within the first month.

        But taking GCSE dance was the best decision I ever made. Dance gives me something to pour my head and heart into. It gives me a feeling of belonging, creativity, security and freedom.

        The education secretary Nicky Morgan has put emphasis on (强调) science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM), saying that students who focus on the arts risk their careers. Stopping young people from expressing themselves at such a young age is not doing them any favours. Perhaps Nicky Morgan has forgotten to open the door of having a drive to study that subject day in, day out. It shouldn't matter what that subject is.

        I don't doubt the influence that STEM subjects can have on the people that love them. But to force children into one field is cruel. As much as I try, I'm not good at and don't love physics, biology or maths. I don't want a career in these areas.

        There has been a decrease in the number of state schools offering arts subjects taught by specialist teachers. I can't even imagine how it feels to be told that you don't teach a "real subject" by an 8-year-old boy.

        To the teachers, the parents, the government I say: Let children make their own decisions. Let them live in the present. Let them have a real, unlimited education.

    (1) How does the boy in maths feel about dance?
    A . Useless. B . Difficult. C . Beautiful. D . Important.
    (2) After the author took GCSE dance, she ________
    A . lost interest in it B . kept her mind on it C . turned to other subjects D . struggled with Her lessons
    (3) What do we know about Nicky Morgan?
    A . She encourages students to learn soft subjects. B . She suggests students take a risk in their careers. C . She underlines the importance of STEM subjects. D . She allows students to express themselves freely.
    (4) What's the present situation of arts subjects?
    A . They attract much attention worldwide. B . They are taught by non-professionals. C . They are considered less important. D . They have made great progress.
  • 14. 阅读理解

        Some years ago, Michel-Andre found himself staring at the body of a dead whale on a beach in the Canary Islands. It was obvious that the animal had been struck violently by a ship——but why? Only later, after surveying the whales which lived in the area and measuring the increase of sound pollution from ships did it become clear that there was a link.

        The whales had become desensitised to the noise of approaching boats and were being struck by them, often seriously. "We never thought that this could be something that could kill," recalls (回忆) Andre, who is the director of the Laboratory of Applied Bioacoustics at the Technical University of Catalonia, Barcelona.

        Andre has spent 20 years developing an advanced system to better understand why incidents like this happen. His underwater microphones have exposed a world of deafening sound and animal communication never observed with such clarity(清晰) before.

        It was not an easy task. Sound waves don't travel through water in the uniform, predictable way they do through the air. Instead, the temperature, salinity (盐度) and, flow of water have great effects on their path.

        What can be done? One solution is to change shipping routes to courses where ships are statistically less likely to meet animals. It's also possible to slow ships down to 18km/h or less, which is less likely to seriously injure a whale.

        As for dealing with the root cause of the problem, the UN's International Maritime Organisation has already published guidelines on how to quieten ships, but it will be a while before the effects of such changes might be observed.

        "The ocean is not our world," comments Andre. But it is ours to look after. And thanks to his work, we can better understand the effects of subsea sound pollution.

    (1) What does the underlined word "desensitised" in Paragraph 2 mean?
    A . Stubborn. B . Flexible. C . Dull. D . Friendly.
    (2) What's one way to solve the problem according to the text?
    A . To lower the speed of ships. B . To reduce the number of ships. C . To set up preserves under the sea. D . To give the injured animals timely treatment.
    (3) What is the author's attitude towards what Michel Andre has done?
    A . Doubtful. B . Disapproving. C . Positive. D . Uncaring.
    (4) What is the text mainly about?
    A . A great expert. B . Noise in the sea. C . Animals in the sea. D . Sea exploration technology.


  • 15. 完形填空

        A few years ago, I was working in a small office. I noticed that even though the organization was not 1, we often worked in separate teams, and while everyone was friendly, we were not very close to each other and not very 2.

        One particular week, I decided to make people 3, but I wanted to do it secretly, perhaps with the slight 4 that it'd invite a sense of trust or playfulness in the work culture. So one evening, I wrote a few 5 with quotes which I felt have 6 me over the years. The next morning, I went to work a bit early and 7 posted them up by the sinks and mirrors in the office restrooms. Maybe people would 8 the quotes and perhaps it might just help 9 someone's day.

        For the next few months, some of the quotes got taken down, but a couple 10. So perhaps others liked them, too.

        Finally, I 11that organization and went to work for another company. A couple of years passed during which time I'd still get emails 12 from my old boss and teammates every so often.

        A few months ago, I was 13 to a reunion with them to hear how the project I had 14 was going. I had really enjoyed working with my team, and was 15 to see them all again. Towards the end of the event, I went to the 16 and noticed the quote I had written three years ago was still up in the 17 spot by the mirror! It read:

        The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new lands, but seeing with new eyes.

        -Marcel Proust

        Maybe the quote simply blended into (融合) the background for the employees, or perhaps it still 18 as a shining reminder of something important.

        It was such a 19 reminder. We never know how long a seed(种子) will take to come out and give fruit, but we should simply keep 20 seeds of kindness in our hearts.

    A . huge B . rich C . distant D . good
    A . similar B . ordinary C . familiar D . comfortable
    A . sigh B . smile C . reply D . shout
    A . pity B . hope C . sight D . doubt
    A . notes B . reports C . notices D . poems
    A . excited B . satisfied C . shocked D . encouraged
    A . patiently B . calmly C . naturally D . quickly
    A . accept B . prepare C . enjoy D . remember
    A . freshen B . spend C . organize D . treasure
    A . appeared B . matched C . remained D . increased
    A . introduced B . left C . charged D . bought
    A . sent B . read C . finished D . published
    A . taken B . rushed C . led D . invited
    A . looked into B . thought about C . worked on D . found out
    A . surprised B . happy C . lucky D . sorry
    A . classroom B . waiting room C . bathroom D . meeting room
    A . same B . only C . first D . next
    A . showed up B . turned out C . made up D . stood out
    A . strange B . sweet C . simple D . smart
    A . saving B . storing C . producing D . planting


  • 16. 任务型阅读

        Lizzy Greene's official website says it all: "Actress, Artist & Animal Lover. " At 13, Lizzy has performed in children's theater, and she is a trained gymnast. She is most known for her role as Dawn Harper on Nickelodeons Nicky, Ricky, Dicky & Dawn. Now Lizzy is taking on another role—as a voice for animals.

         She grew up with dogs, and her family's pet is a 110-pound German shepherd(牧羊犬) named Jett. On the show, Lizzy shares the screen with a lovable 20-pound dog named Squishy Paws. In second grade, she stationed herself outside her school to ask for donations (捐款) to a local animal shelter.

        Now Lizzy is also speaking out for farm animals. She's recently joined The Humane Society of the United States, Meatless Monday movement. She encourages young people to take a break from eating meat on Mondays.  And she's encouraging the under-20 crowd to take part.

        Lizzy knows that raising animals for meat causes pollution, uses a lot of natural resources (资源) like water and also harms animals.  Choosing meat-free meals one day a week is also a great way to feel healthy.

        Many K-12 schools, universities and hospitals nationwide have started Meatless Monday programs.

        "It's so easy to love animals." Lizzy says.  For some kid-and-animal-friendly meatless recipes(食谱), visit humonesociety.org/kindnezws.

    A. It's easy to eat animal-friendly foods, too.

    B. Lizzy has only just begun her bright career.

    C. Animals have always been a big part of Lizzy's life.

    D. And Lizzy says she has always wanted to help animals.

    E. Cutting meat from our diet once a week helps the environment and animals.

    F. Kids'breakfast can be as simple as trying a vegetable burger instead of a hamburger.

    G. After the movement, Lizzy says she wants to save a few more lives and force humans to eat healthier.


  • 17. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

        Cathy Martin is a hurricane hunter with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). For six months each year, she is part of a team that collects  she describes as "vital data, to save life and property."

    When winds pick up, (spin) toward the Caribbean and U. S. coastline, Martin and (she) flight team spring into action.

        They use instruments called dropsondes, which (set) free from a tube at the back of the plane. As a dropsonde makes its 10,000-foot landing into the sea, it sends out information about air temperature, pressure, humidity, and the speed and (direct) of the wind.

        On an eight-hour flight, Martin's team (typical) drops 15 to 20 dropsondes while flying from one side of the storm  the other, trying to cover as much ground as possible. They head for the center (or eye) of the storm,  there's no wind, and also search for the strongest winds, to help people on the coast prepare for what's coming. Sometimes, they will use an unmanned aircraft  (gather) data closer to the ocean's surface.

        Though these flights can be long,(tire) and often last several days in a row, Martin likes her job and wishes she could fly every day.


  • 18. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






        While seating in my chair the other day, I wondered how I could become better person. I knew there was nothing standing in my way in the fact. Therefore, I decided to stop wait for the future to find myself and take action immediately. To begin to find a direction, I try to find my greatest strengths and find out that would bring me joy. I wrote out all my goal, what skills I would need to learn or what steps I would take to achieve them. I believe that I can be very success if I keep trying and work hard.


  • 19. 假定你是某国际学校的学生李华,你身边的很多同学被近视、超重等健康问题困扰。请你就此事用英语给美籍校长Mr. Smith写一封信。内容主要包括:





    Dear Mr. Smith,

        I'm Li Hua, a student from Class One, Senior Three


    Sincerely yours,

    Li Hua
