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  • 1. 阅读理解

        It is true that summer is hot. But here is something to make your day easier. Are you prepared? Meet the new AirFreez— an alternative to traditional Air Conditioners that cools you just the same!

        How does it work?

        It is surprisingly easy to set up! You just need to plug it into a socket(插座)OR any USB port (it uses so little energy that it can even run off of a phone or laptop battery).

        Once you have done that, simply fill it with 20oz/0. 6L of cold tap water.

        Now just press the power button and the instant cool air is here!

        What is so special about this little box?

        It is no larger than a lunchbox. It can be powered by a pocket solar panel(电池板)or battery pack and you probably have the world's first and most portable AC unit.

        Bad sleepers are putting the AirFreez next to their beds at night. The relaxing blow of cool, clean air, the comforting soft night light and the quiet create the perfect sleeping conditions!

        The price is just amazing. Most AC units cost at least $ 300+ AND you have to pay more to cover the expensive electricity bills each month. AirFreez costs less than $ 100 (actually $ 53 if you buy more than one here).

        Top Tips:

        To make your air even cooler—add a bottle of cold tap water from your refrigerator or even ice!

        For a beautiful relaxing atmosphere—add a few drops of fragrant oils to the water!

    (1) Which is necessary to get AirFreez to work?
    A . A socket. B . A phone battery. C . A laptop and hot waten. D . Cold water and power supply.
    (2) How much do two sets of AirFreez cost?
    A . $106, B . $ 200. C . $ 300. D . $ 600.
    (3) How can a user of AirFreez get cooler air?
    A . By adding ice into the machine. B . By putting it closer to one's bed. C . By filling the machine with tap water. D . By adding a few drops of special oils.
  • 2. 阅读理解

        Vacation in the U. S. usually means slower days, and no school teachers know, however, that vacation means students will likely fall behind, and forget things they learned during the year. Simon Vanderpool, a special education teacher in Lexington, Kentucky, decided to do something about it.

        He started a program called Books and Barbers. Children go to the barber, choose a book and read out loud while the barber cuts their hair. The child gets a sticker and can take the book home. And there is an added bonus: money. The kids get paid to read.

        Vanderpool says barber shops are places where kids can feel comfortable. "Once a student feels comfortable, that's whenever the brain opens up, and that they are able to start focusing on nothing but learning." Amir Shalash owns a barber shop. But he is doing more than cutting children's hair. He is listening to them read, and helping them with their reading.

        Most of the children getting haircuts at barber shops are boys. Vanderpool's idea was to do more than just help them with reading and money. The teacher wants to help kids who are growing up in a home without a father liike he did. Also, I created the program in order to provide a positive mentor(指导者)for the kids that go into the barber shop, and are able to have someone that they can rely on and they can trust in, and just build a bond between the two of them." Shalash says he and his fellow barbers like being mentors.

        "The biggest thing is that we try to influence as many kids as we can, and that was my whole intention of it."

    (1) Why did Simon Vanderpool start Books and Barbers ?
    A . To help children kill time. B . To bring children a fruitful vacation C . To reduce teachers' pressure from work. D . To improve children's communication skills.
    (2) What makes a barber shop suitable for Books and Barbers program?
    A . Its collection of books. B . Its quiet atmosphere. C . It's relaxing environment. D . Its friendly barbers.
    (3) What is Amir Shalash's purpose of taking part in the program?
    A . To offer valuable guidance to children. B . To show the importance of bonding. C . To tell the necessity of trusting people. D . To influence his fellow barbers positively.
    (4) What is the best title for the text?
    A . What It Takes to Be a Good Barber B . What to Expect During the Vacation C . How Important Reading Is to Children D . How a Haircut Is Helping Students Read
  • 3. 阅读理解

        Whales, like all mammals(哺乳动物),need air, and come to the surface to breathe through a blowhole. A drone(无人机)that floats over the blowholes of humpback whales as they are making annual journey along Australia's east coast is being used by Australian scientists for collecting nasal mucus(鼻腔粘液)of whales.

        Vanessa Pirotta, a biologist at Macquarie University says that nasal mucus indicates the health of the whale. "It is the biological mixture that you see as a whale takes a breath as it surfaces from the water," she said. You can hear sounds of sharp breaths as a whale breathes because, after all, they are animals like you and I. So as they take a breath it is a lot of lung bacteria coming out from their lungs, which we can collect to provide a brief idea of whale health.

        Australian researchers have attached a special dish that is used in scientific tests to a drone which flies through the whale's nasal mist. As a whale comes to take a breath—you can actually see it coming to the surface on really good weather days —the drone then lowers, the dish is then opened, collecting nasal mucus for later research.

        The research could help to solve one of the secrets of another impressive creature of the deep —the Southern right whale. Its numbers have recovered on Australia's west coast since hunting became suppressed but its population on the eastern seaboard remains stubbornly low.

        In the past, studies into whale health had to rely on examining whales that were either killed or those whales that had been trapped on a beach. Drones allow scientists to collect nasal mucus from free-swimming whales to gather information in a safe way.

    (1) What is the drone mainly used to do?
    A . To gather information for researchers. B . To record new species of whales. C . To guarantee the safety of whales. D . To take photos of whales' annual journey.
    (2) How can a biologist find out a whale's health condition in the study?
    A . By examining liquids from its breath. B . By checking its lungs on a machine. C . By listening to the sounds of its breath. D . By studying its similarity with humans.
    (3) What does the underlined word "suppressed" in Paragraph 4 mean?
    A . Commercial. B . Rewarding. C . Hidden. D . Forbidden.
    (4) Why is the Southern right whale mentioned?
    A . To describe the difficulty to track it. B . To show the increasing population. C . To stress the urgency of doing the research. D . To indicate the potential application of the research.
  • 4. 阅读理解

        Google previously announced successful tests of machine learning systems designed to assist doctors. In one case, Google reported AI had examined eye diseases with equal accuracy to doctors. Other tests showed that machine learning can be used to study large amounts of patient data to predict future medical events.

        Now the company has published two new studies showing a high level of success in identifying metastatic breast cancer. Metastatic means that cancer has spread from its main area to other parts of the body. Metastatic breast cancer is one of the deadliest, causing about 90 percent of all breast cancer deaths worldwide.

        In metastatic breast cancer patients, the cancer often travels to nearby lymph nodes(淋巴结). Usually doctors examine lymph node tissue under a microscope to see whether cncer is present Google notes that previous studies have shown that up to one-fourth of metastatic lymph node classifications end up being changed after a second examination. In addition, studies show that small metastatic material can be missed up to 67 percent of the time when examinations happen under extreme time restrictions.

        Google says it created a mathematical algorithm(算法).The algorithm, called Lymph Node Assistant, is trained to find characteristics of tissue affected by metastatic cancer. When the system examined tissue images (图像), it was able to differentiate between metastatic cancer and non-cancer 99 percent of the time. In addition, the Lymph Node

        Assistant is highly effective at finding the positions of the cancers. Some of these positions would be too small for doctors themselves to identify. The research also showed that the algorithm method can reduce the usual time needed to examine the disease by about 50 percent.

        But Google makes clear the Al-based system is not meant to replace the work of medical professionals. Instead, it is designed to reduce the number of false identifications and help doctors work faster and more effectively.

    (1) What is the main idea of Paragraph 1?
    A . Google became a pioneer in training doctors. B . Machine learning is able to stop future medical events. C . Google developed artificial intelligence to help doctors. D . Artificial intelligence cured eye diseases with equal accuracy to doctors.
    (2) What can we infer about metastatic breast cancer?
    A . One-fourth of the metastatic breast cancer patients die in the end. B . Metastatic breast cancer is very difficult to identify. C . It results in 90 percent of deaths of all cancers. D . It can be identified after a second examination.
    (3) What is the advantage of Google's new mathematical algorithm?
    A . It can offer effective treatment. B . It can tell the exact positions of cancers. C . It costs 99 percent less time than before. D . It improves the accuracy of identifying cancers by 50%.
    (4) What influence will the mathematical algorithm bring?
    A . False identification of cancers will be avoided. B . More effective prevention of cancers will be found. C . The number of medical professionals will be reduced. D . Doctors can have a faster understanding of patients' condition.


  • 5. 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

        Why Ultra-pure(超高纯的)Water Is Actually Bad for Your Health Many people are surprised to hear that drinking purified water on a regular, daily basis is actually dangerous. So why is 100% ultra-pure water not good for us?

        There is no such thing as truly pure water in the natural world. When these minerals dissolve(溶解)in water, they form what we commonly refer to as electrolytes(电解质).They allow us to perform all the "bioelectrical" functions such as moving, heart-beating, thinking, and seeing.

        But pure water fails to provide these fundamental electrolytes. You can think of it this way: imagine a room with no gravity, split in half down the middle. You throw a couple hundred balls into the left side of the room. But if you cut a bunch of holes in the barrier, they will slowly start to spread over to the right side. Eventually, they will be evenly distributed across the entire room.

        The water in your organs stays at very specific levels of minerals. When you drink ultra-purified water, it pulls the minerals out of your blood just like the right side of the space room pulled some of the bouncy balls over from the left.

        Purified water can only be recommended as a way of drawing poisons out of the body. Once this is accomplished, the continued drinking of purified water is a bad idea.

    A.Purified water is an active absorber.

    B.Since there's no gravity, they bounce around everywhere.

    C.It actually tries to rob your body of them when you drink it.

    D.Even water in the purest lakes contains small amounts of minerals.

    E.If you drank enough of it, the lack of minerals would eventually kill you.

    F.The simple answer is that ultra-pure water doesn't provide the natural minerals we need.

    G.This is why materials tend to move from more concentrated areas to less concentrated ones.


  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        It was a hot spring day. I headed into a local store to buy my son a shirt. The air conditioning in there was a(an)1 from the heat outside.

        After I made my2 I walked back into the 3. I got in my car but had to wait to 4 because of all the cars 5 at the red stop light. I looked out of my car window and saw something on the pavement. A single butterfly was wildly 6 its wings but not getting off the 7 . It was right in front of a truck's 8 too. Without thinking I got out of my car, held my hand up 9 the truck driver wouldn't move forward, and bent down to look at the butterfly. One of its legs was 10 in what looked like soda(苏打水).I reached down and 11 the butterfly as 12 as I could. I lifted its 13 up and suddenly it was 14 . I opened my 15 and up it flew towards the shining sun. My own eyes shone brighter and my own heart felt16as I watched it.

        Now a lot of people might 17 why I would step out into traffic like that to 18a single butterfly. All I can say is that my heart was 19 me at that moment. And when I was done I felt more like my true self than I had all day. 20 your days with goodness and love. And your heart will feel as light as a butterfly.

    A . surprise B . relief C . inspiration D . reminder
    A . purchase B . decision C . application D . promise
    A . store B . heat C . queue D . mess
    A . climb out B . climb over C . pull out D . pull over
    A . slowed down B . speeded up C . lined up D . broke down
    A . hurting B . beating C . expanding D . cleaning
    A . floor B . car C . ground D . truck
    A . headlight B . door C . window D . tire
    A . so B . but C . because D . although
    A . injured B . spread C . stuck D . placed
    A . admired B . cupped C . comforted D . observed
    A . tightly B . gently C . bravely D . quietly
    A . burden B . wing C . spirit D . leg
    A . free B . alive C . calm D . elegant
    A . bag B . pocket C . eyes D . hands
    A . purer B . harder C . heavier D . lighter
    A . wonder B . understand C . clarify D . forget
    A . describe B . study C . rescue D . treat
    A . following B . judging C . forcing D . guiding
    A . Fill B . End C . Begin D . Reward


  • 7. 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

        The day before he heads to a war, an undefeated (command) named Qi has a dream in which he loses a battle and dies. When he wakes up, Qi gets ready to go and fight. While gaining successive victories, Qi decides to celebrate, although there is a final battle (wait) for him. When he gets (drink) and falls asleep in his tent, Qi's army (attack) by the enemy and he gets killed just as his dream predicted. This is the story that has inspired the latest Kunqu Opera production.

        As one of the oldest of the traditional Chinese opera (form), Kunqu Opera, which is about 600 years old, (combine) singing, dancing and lyrical recitation. Performed in the Suzhou dialect (方言).UNESCO listed Kunqu Opera as an intangible heritage(非物质文化遗产)of humanity in 2001.

        Earlier this year, a plan of combining Kunqu Opera and traditional Chinese idioms was developed, would allow young Chinese directors and Kunqu Opera performers (work) together. The young artists are working on developing original plays based on traditional Chinese idioms to keep tradition alive while making it popular again new ideas.


  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






        Hardly has the summer vacation begun when I returned to my native town. As the second-year senior student I had to get myself prepare for the college entrance examinations which were only a year away. Therefore in the morning I reviewed my lesson and read newspapers. In the afternoon, sometimes I went swimming on the river. Actual I like swimming and think nothing is refreshing than a swim. While it was hot in the afternoon, but a swim with friends would always make myself energetic. At night I always stayed at home, watched television with my family. I went to bed when the clock on the wall struck ten.


  • 9. 假定你是李华,你校英文报现正在招聘编辑,负责撰写中国传统文化板块的文章。请你写封信,申请该职位。内容包括:




