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  • 1. 阅读理解

    Amazing Stories of Animals Acting Just Like Humans

        ◆Horses are picky eaters

        Horses have an even better sense of smell than humans do. When horses raise their noses and open their nostrils (鼻孔), their nervous system allows them to sense smells we can't sense. This might explain why they refuse dirty water and carefully move around meadows, eating only the tastiest grasses, experts say.

        ◆Whale says thanks

        In 2011, a whale expert spotted a humpback whale trapped in a fishing net and spent an hour freeing it. Afterward, in an hour-long display of thanks, the whale swam near their boat and leaped into the air about 40 times.

        ◆Pandas like to be naughty

        Is there anything more lovely than a baby panda, except maybe a human baby? In fact, baby pandas sometimes behave like human babies. They sleep in the same positions and value their thumbs. Pandas are shy by nature for its shy behaviors such as covering its face with a paw of ducking its head when confronted by a stranger.

        ◆A cat honors its owner

        Paper towels, and a plastic cup are just a few of the gifts that Toldo, a devoted three-year-old gray-and-white cat, has placed on his former owner Iozzelli Renzo's grave every day since the man died in September 2011. Renzo adopted Toldo from a shelter when the cat was three months old, and the two formed an inseparable bond. After Renzo passed away, Toldo followed the coffin to the cemetery, and now "stands guard" at the grave for hours at a time.

    (1) What can horses do to pick the most delicious grasses?
    A . Feel them. B . Smell them. C . Observe them. D . Taste them.
    (2) Which animal feels shy when facing strangers?
    A . The whale. B . The horse. C . The panda. D . The cat.
    (3) What do the whale and the cat have in common according to the passage?
    A . They have a grateful heart. B . They are quite clever. C . They are active and lovely. D . They have a good sense of smell.
  • 2. 阅读理解

        Hundreds of villagers took matters into their own hands by digging miles of trenches(沟壕)to install their own cables(电缆). The tiny village in Michaelston - y - Fedw, with a population of 300, clubbed together after being unable to download films, stream music or connect to online banking. Farmers, teachers and even the village pub owners put in thousands of hours of volunteering to dig miles of trenches and now have super fast broadband(宽带).

        The project cost around £250,000 with villagers paying£150,000 of their own money to secure their super fast connection speed. They were also able to obtain£100,000 from EU funding and the Welsh Government Access Broadband Cymru scheme.

        The idea was produced in the local pub when villagers were complaining about their Wi-Fi connections. Ben Longman, owner of the Cefn Mably Arms, said, "We were in the pub and we were all complaining about how bad the Wi-Fi was. I had just paid for high speed broadband and realized it would not work."

        One of the organizers, Carina Dunk, 61, said it was fantastic what the village had achieved. She said, "It used to take a few days to download a film; now it takes less than a minute. Communities have tended to be more distant and separated but not here anymore. Sometimes we have to take a step back and achieve something."

        A year after the project, most of the 300 villagers are now united in a 1,000mps broadband connection.

        However, Richard Raybould, 59, is still waiting for his house to be connected on the edge of the village and said he cannot wait. He said, "It is amazing what skills people in the community have. There are experts and farmers who dig trenches. I have met at least 30 people who I had never spoken to before."

    (1) What can we learn about the villagers?
    A . They had no access to the Internet. B . They usually didn't have much free time. C . They didn't know how to use the Internet correctly. D . They considered their Internet connection disappointing.
    (2) To have their own cables, the villagers had to     .
    A . partly cover the cost B . employ workers to dig trenches C . donate £100,000 to EU funding D . get the local government's permission
    (3) What does the author intend to do by mentioning Carina Dunk's words?
    A . Explain the cause of the project. B . Explain the process of the project. C . Show the benefits from the project. D . Show the villagers' attitudes toward the project.
    (4) What would be the best title for the text?
    A . Villagers obtain access to the Internet B . Villagers dream of super fast broadband C . Villagers volunteer to install super fast broadband D . Villagers are suffering from bad Wi-Fi connections
  • 3. 阅读理解

        For students, college is a series of disconnected experiences: the classroom, the dorm, the athletic field, and the internship(实习岗位). Yet the employers tell me what gets college students hired is the ability to translate what they learned in one place (the classroom, for example) to another that is far different from where they originally learned a concept (a project on an internship).

        Educators call this " transfer learning"­the ability to summarize key principles and apply them in many different places, which becomes more important as the skills needed to keep up in any job and occupation continue to change in the future. Our ability to drive almost any car on the market without reading its manual(手册)is an example of knowledge transfer.

        The concept sounds simple enough. But today's students, faced with the constant pressure to prepare for standardized tests, rarely have the chance to learn through problem-solving or to be involved in projects that improve skills that can be used in various settings.

        In response to demands from students, parents and employers, colleges and universities are adding hands-on experiences to the undergraduate curriculum.

        Arizona State University, where I' m a professor of practice, is testing a curriculum across a dozen majors in which students learn nearly half of the subject matter through group projects. Engineering students might build a robot and learn the key principles of mechanics and electronics during the project. The hope is that students will be more involved if theories from the classroom are immediately applied in the outside world instead of years after students graduate.

        What's the problem with the hands-on learning experiences being added by colleges to the undergraduate curriculum? They're often not accompanied by the guidance that students need to help them transfer what they learn. So students become adept skilled in job interviews at describing what they did during a project, but they have difficulty talking about what they learned and how they can apply that to where they want to work.

    (1) Why is the ability to drive mentioned in Paragraph 2?
    A . To show that everything is changing. B . To prove that driving ability is important. C . To stress the importance of practical skills. D . To explain the meaning of transfer learning.
    (2) What prevents students from getting the ability to transfer knowledge?
    A . Various school projects. B . Too much stress from tests. C . Their lack of theory knowledge. D . Their unwillingness to solve problems.
    (3) Which may arouse students' interest in school learning according to the author?
    A . Seeing what they have learned is applied. B . Teachers changing the way lectures are given. C . Focusing on the key principles of every subject. D . Teachers explaining theories in an interesting way.
    (4) What does the author think of the hands-on learning experiences in colleges?
    A . They are effective. B . They are unnecessary. C . They should be improved. D . They cost a lot of time.
  • 4. 阅读理解

        Why are photos and videos of cats high-fiving suddenly popping up on social media?

        Ask Jackson Galaxy, who launched Cat Pawsitive last year, a program that encourages animal shelters to teach cats how to do tricks to make them more attractive for adoption.

        The idea is simple. A kitty that can sit on command or give a high five shows that it can listen to instructions and connect with others. A high five can make a shy cat open up, Galaxy said.

        "Big life changes can lead to cats losing their confidence, and we help those cats to feel more confident and to feel safe interacting with new people." Christie Rogero, program manager for Cat Pawsitive, said.

        And Stephen Holdeman, training manager at the KC Pet Project, added: "All we need to train a cat to do tricks is the right amount of patience, timing and motivation." He uses a technique called "operant conditioning (操作性条件反射)", which associates a cat's action with getting a reward such as a favorite food or treat.

        He also uses a clicker­a training device that makes a clicking noise. "In the initial stage, we get the cat used to the idea that when it hears the sound of the clicker, one of its favorite treats appears. After we have bridged these two ideas together we can use the clicker to reinforce different actions the cat does to let it know that if it repeats the action, it will get a treat."

        After several repetitions, the cat starts to link everything together. Now all you need to do is let your extended hand be the target, and we've got a high five.

    (1) According to the text, how can learning tricks benefit cats at animal shelters?
    A . It is a good way for shelters to raise money. B . It allows them to pick up skills to stay safe. C . It helps them interact more with each other. D . It helps them build confidence and get adopted.
    (2) According to the text, what should be done from the start to train cats to learn tricks?
    A . Teaching them different actions. B . Teaching them how to use a clicker. C . Making them patient enough to repeat actions. D . Helping them connect the sound of a clicker with treats.
    (3) What does the underlined word "reinforce" in paragraph 6 probably mean?
    A . record B . strengthen C . ignore D . reward
    (4) What is the main purpose of the article?
    A . To explain how to train cats to perform tricks. B . To show how cats are treated at animal shelters. C . To describe the popularity of cats on social media. D . To inform us of a program that trains cats to do tricks.


  • 5. 阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    To help you understand what 5G is, and what it means to you, we've put together a handy guide here.

    What is 5G?

    At its most basic level, 5G will be used to make calls, send texts, and to simply get online. But it's going to be significantly faster than previous generations, and could open the door up to a range of exciting new uses.


    5G will use new higher radio frequencies to send out data, which are less cluttered(挤了)and carry information much faster. While these higher bands are faster, they don't carry information as far. That's to say, smaller multiple input and output antennas (天线)will be used—promoting both signals and capacity(容量).

    Why is it better than 4G?

    5G is expected to be faster than 4G, with some firms claiming it could be as much as 100 times quicker. The fastest 4G networks can deliver peak download speeds of around 300 Mbit/s. In real life, this could allow you to download a full HD film in less than 10 seconds!

        It means there will be very little—if any—delay when you carry out tasks on a device. While this will help improve things like gaming experiences, it could also pave the way for safer self-driving cars—in which even a short delay could be life-saving.

    Finally, 5G will have a larger capacity, meaning networks will be able to deal with several apps at once. Generally, this should mean that devices have a faster, more stable connection.

    A. How does 5G work?

    B. How will 5G affect you?

    C. 5G is also expected to have a lower latency (潜在因素).

    D. 5G is short for "5th generation mobile network."

    E. In comparison, 5G could offer download speeds of over 1 Gb/s.

    F. Therefore, the similarity between 5G and 4G technology is huge.

    G. This means 5G will support up to 1,000 more devices per meter than 4G.


  • 6. 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A,B,C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

        Geoff Hoffman, discovered that his dog, Bridget, was missing after his home was broken into on Dec 20th. That night, Hoffman penned an enthusiastic1to his Facebook followers to help him find the dog. "She is my source of2and she is my whole life."

        The next day, Hoffman, who served in Afghanistan for eight years went into3mode(模式). "Sergeant(中士)Hoffman was back," he says. "I was on4and told myself I would5searching for Bridget under two conditions: She returned home or I knew with certainty that she was6."

        During the four days Bridget went7, Hoffman reached out to his local police and fire departments, along with City Hall, asking officials to8his story with the public. He printed more than 100 cards featuring Bridget's9and advertising a "large reward"10 her return and registered with missing dog websites. Hoffman also created a Facebook group with hundreds of followers, called Bring Bridget Back, in the hopes of 11awareness for his search.

        On the morning of Christmas Eve, his efforts 12. "My girlfriend was driving down a rural road, a few miles from my house, when she saw Bridget," says Hoffman. "She was lying by the side of the road but when she saw my girlfriend, she started13her tail."

        While the dog was generally14, she hadn't eaten for days, along with a few slight cuts on her left leg. "It made me wonder whether someone15her for dog fighting and either cut or tried to16her to make her aggressive," says Hoffman. "Maybe the thief got17 by all the media attention and18her on a random road."

        Hoffman called the19a Christmas miracle and a holiday blessing and said "I am speechless with20."

    A . request B . support C . interest D . defense
    A . energy B . information C . joy D . inspiration
    A . vacation B . army C . sleep D . crisis
    A . purpose B . journey C . duty D . business
    A . avoid B . continue C . begin D . stop
    A . active B . alive C . dead D . sick
    A . missing B . fierce C . mad D . wrong
    A . fill B . discuss C . argue D . share
    A . hair B . photo C . food D . smell
    A . for B . with C . on D . about
    A . decreasing B . knowing C . growing D . spreading
    A . got off B . came off C . turned off D . paid off
    A . biting B . chasing C . wagging D . bleeding
    A . unharmed B . quiet C . scared D . disabled
    A . borrowed B . stole C . forced D . took
    A . fool B . comfort C . starve D . please
    A . caught B . frightened C . warned D . attracted
    A . killed B . abandoned C . beat D . replaced
    A . reunion B . website C . arrival D . search
    A . forgiveness B . respect C . kindness D . gratitude


  • 7. 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

        According to an announcement by Sergey Kravtsov, Russian vice minister of education and science, Sputnik news reported, Russia's national college entrance exam will include Mandarin as elective foreign language starting from 2019. Chinese will become the  (five) elective test item for the Unified State Exam in addition to English, German, French and Spanish.

        The number of Chinese learners in Russia  (rise) quickly in the past decade, according to a survey  (carry) out by a linguistic research center in Russia. Approaches learning Chinese vary from person to person, with more and more people (choose) university courses in Russia.

        The three-hour-long Chinese test will quiz students on  (they) listening, reading, and writing abilities and a fourth section will examine students on grammar, vocabulary and Chinese  (character). Some parts in the exam are even a little bit difficult for native Chinese speakers. Insiders from the Russia education industry confirmed those are with relevant professional background and Mandarin proficiency(精通) are more competitive in job application.

        According to the Office of Chinese Language Council International, some 100 million people, excluding native speakers, use Chinese  (global).

五、短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

  • 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有2处。每处错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






        What qualities do you think heroes should have? To me, heroes are brave and helpful. They're people you respect of. My heroes are the volunteers who go to the earthquake-hit areas last week. The disaster caused great damages to the areas. Therefore, the volunteers' efforts relieved the victims' suffering. They helped the victims by giving themselves food, water and shelter. They were also many doctors and nurses who volunteered help the wounded. The rescue work turned out dangerously, but no one showed fear nor gave up rescue the unfortunate people. I think nothing is equal to which the brave people did in the earthquake.


  • 9. 假定你是李华,你校定于本周六晚为外国留学生举办包饺子活动。请给美国留学生Mary写一封电子邮件,邀请她参加。内容包括:




